January 5, 2011

The Cause of the 10 Day Fever

The test results are in, all was clear and the Dr.'s hunch was right. I have been having a reaction to the progesterone's carrier oil ethyl oleate. So, no more PIO injections for me. I will be  using Crinone from here on out. I will happily go pick it up today from the pharmacist.

Oh, and that extra Beta I asked to be snuck in?? 2166! That is a rise from 1134 in 30 hours! I am elated and praising God for His protection over these little ones. So, the drama should subside a bit and I can get back to grading papers, teaching lessons, preparing taxes, and cooking meals (the last will make my family happy). Thank you for your prayers as always. They are appreciated and never taken for granted.


  1. wow - YAY!!!! so very, very happy to hear this! how exciting! glad they got to the bottom of it! and the numbers going up - woohooo!!!!! will continue to keep you in prayer!

  2. You WILL feel so much better. I didn't realize how bad I felt until I switched to supp.. Great news on your BETA! So very happy for you!

  3. WOWZER! Congrats on the beta numbers:) Also great news that you figured out the cause of the fever etc... Continued prayers:)

  4. Hope you'll start feeling much better and yay for no more shots!!

  5. SO thankful for this news!!!


  6. I am sure you are so relieved right now. You have some answers!! Great beta numbers and I am glad you got the fever resolved!! You are always in my thoughts!!

  7. I hope you feel better soon. Congrats on another great beta number.

  8. Those are great numbers! I'm glad you were able to figure out what was going on with your fever! Scary!

  9. God is with you all the way. +++++


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