December 21, 2010

We are Home--4dp5dt

These are our new mugs for 2010 from Williams-Sonoma we purchased in November when we were at the flagship store in San Fransisco. We have been using them since before Thanksgiving!!

We are back home and one would think that after spending days of bed rest, I would be itching to get after my daily routine, but oh no, not this time! I woke up this morning feeling queasy. I made my self eat, but I feel icky. I never get stomach bugs, so I have no idea what is going on. It has stayed the same all day, no better-no worse. Just a BIT early for morning sickness, so who knows.

Rhea's parents arrive for Christmas on Thursday and my father arrives on Friday. Rhea sent me back to bed with a big Christmas mug (see above)  of peppermint tea. I pray I will feel back to myself tomorrow : ) I am glad to be back home though!

The clinic's nurse just called, my estrogen & progesterone levels from this morning's blood draw are perfect. They said they will call me on the 27th after I get my PG test drawn. I have a 10:30 a.m. appt!


  1. Such an exciting time! Enjoy Christmas and let those little ones snuggle in!

  2. Merry Christmas! Praying this is just the first Christmas of many you will be spending with these little ones!

  3. Hope you feel better soon (or maybe hoping for more morning sickness??)! Can't wait to hear more from you!

  4. Glad you're home again. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. That certainly doesn't help the suspense, does it? I want you to feel better, but not too much better:)!!! Praying for you, friend!

  6. so, so exciting. wishing you a blessed christmas, shannon. i'll pray you'll be ringing in the new year with some great news!!!

  7. I can't wait to hear the beta results!!!!

  8. Merry Christmas!! Praying that all the busy-ness of this time of year would keep your mind off of certain things ;)


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