September 12, 2013

Tomorrow Is the Day

This week flew by way faster than I expected.  I have my u/s and blood work in the morning and then we will be waiting for the call from Dr. K's office. This cycle has been different than our previous three cycles. Symptoms, reactions and how my body has responded to the meds this time has been completely different, that is for sure!

I have no idea what the results will be. I am trusting in the Lord and His plan for our family. Though, I will admit, I am wrestling with the idea that this could all be the end of our EA adoption journey after tomorrow's appointment and call. I try not to let my mind "go" there, and when the fear creeps up, I pray. Thank you for joining us in prayer as we look to tomorrow. I know a lot of you read and do not leave comments and that is okay. I know you are praying and thinking of us during this time. We do not take it for granted.


  1. I love your perspective and can relate to your fears. I admire you and your family for all you have done for your precious embryos. May God bless you for how you have honored Him and the lives he has entrusted to you. I will be thinking about you tomorrow as you get your ultrasound results.

  2. I've been thinking about and praying for your family...If my will was to be done, the transfer would go through and all would implant and grow for 8+ months!!! Of course I know that isn't how it'll be looking forward to reading what God's Will is and be praying for peace in your heart...Hugs!!!


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