September 13, 2013

TN... Here We Come!

It's official! We fly to TN on Wednesday to adopt our babies! Our transfer will be on Thursday. We are so excited and so surprised. I was prepared for the doctor to cancel the transfer because the last two weeks my body didn't seem to be responding to the meds. Well, everything seemed to check out great. The follicles were all gone except one that was just at a 4. My lining was 13.5 according to Katie, but the doctor here said it was 15. 13.5, 15, whichever, we are going to Knoxville! Hooray!! Praise the Lord! 

We are so excited to adopt more children out of their frozen state once again. We are so grateful to our Lord for His forgiveness, grace, and mercy He has showered us with. I start PIO on Sunday! 6 more days until transfer! 


  1. Woo hoo! So glad everything worked out ok, Shannon! Praying for a positive this time : )

  2. Yay!! Tell me what time your appt is monday when katie calls and maybe we will see eachother this time :) such great news!!!

    1. Katie, said she's let me know sometime this coming week. I will let you know when I find out.

  3. I love the excitement in your post! Lots of exclamation marks! Yay for good news! God is so kind!

    1. Oh I did use quite a few exclamation points didn't I? ; )

  4. What great news!!! Excited for this coming week!

  5. I'm thrilled for you and looking forward to more positive news to come!!! Hugs!!!

    1. You are the best Jen! So faithful to pray for us always!

  6. Yay! Oh, I've been praying so hard for positive news for yall! Now, to keep up those prayers and spirits!

    1. Hi Andrea! Thank you for praying and the encouragement.

  7. Yay!!! Been thinking about you guys- so glad to hear this news!

  8. Yay!! So excited that this is a go for you! I will find out tomorrow if we are a go.

  9. I am so happy to read this update! Praying for you, your hubby and your babies.


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