August 8, 2013

Meds Are Ordered & U/S Scheduled

I had plenty of OCPs and Estrace left from our last transfer as well as 1 1/2 vials of PIO. So even though our meds are paid completely out-of-pocket, our grand total was still under $300! This was very good news. We also received two donations this week to our grant fund (AdoptTogether--tax deductible giving grant account). It is such a blessing to see people who don't even know us, really, give to help these babies. We do not have all for the funds needed yet, but the Lord has provided everything needed to this point. We have paid cash for all expenses so far. We only have to pay Dr. K's fee and for the satellite services here (U/Ss & blood work). So about $3,500 to go! The kids and I will get to posting some more items on eBay soon I am thinking. It is way too hot here to have a yard sale!


  1. Sending you many prayers for your cycle!


    1. Thank you for stopping by and for praying for us!

  2. Prayers, my dear friend!! So excited for your last transfer possibilities!

    1. Thank you Tracey! I can't believe you are almost there!!


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