August 31, 2013

Cleared for Estrace

I went to my u/s and blood work appt yesterday. I was cleared to start Estrace today. Dr. K wants me to  have a repeat u/s on Tuesday to confirm my lining has shed enough. I was only CD2 yesterday.
We have had a serious family situation arise and I have been out of pocket for that reason. We are prayerful that we will not be canceling this cycle. The NEDC said they will not make an exception for us to come in November. I will be 46 in October. So we will be going to TN in September or if we cannot, our EA journey will be ending. In the meantime, Rhea said we are going to keep moving forward until we have clear direction in the days ahead. Thanks for your prayers!


  1. Praying that your cycle will not be cancelled! I am still looking forward to meeting you and praying you will have another little one to bring home yet.

  2. Praying that everything works out for this cycle.

  3. I'm praying as well that this cycle is a go+++!!!! I'm here for you if you want to chat...Hugs!!!

  4. Keep movin' that train! way to go girl!


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