July 19, 2013

September Is a Go

Well, just wanted you to know that we heard from the clinic this week. I will be starting meds on 8/10 and we will be flying one last time to Knoxville, TN to the NEDC to adopt again. Although we considered going trough the NEDC donor list again, Rhea and I decided to stay committed to the little ones we chose going into our last transfer. There are 6 babies total. 2 with one couple, 1 with another couple, and 3 with another couple. The embryologist will thaw the first 2 and then the one and 3 if needed. All couples agree to mixing. We are excited and aren't exactly sure how the rest of the money will get here in time, but we know that since I turn 46 in October, this is our ast opportunity to adopt through the NEDC. They allow 3 times to adopt with the program fees we paid, but the adopting mother must be under 46 years old, so a September transfer is it!

There has been so much going on around here! I hope y'all are enjoying special times with those you love this summer!

P.S. to the stranger who donated $1 to our adoption fund this week. That one dollar came at such a special time. I was once again "questioning" where we were going to come up with the rest of the money for travel and transfer. Then, I checked my email later that day and there was $1. We haven't had a donation in quite sometime. I love how the Lord uses small things to remind us that He is with us, He hears our concerns, and He reminds us not to fear. : )


  1. Wonderful update, Shannon. Thanks for sharing. We're still figuring out if we have a next step. (Hugs)

  2. So glad to hear you are stepping out in faith to try again. What a special time for your family as you continually come together to make these transfers happen. Praying for you all as you head into this next and last transfer.

  3. So glad you have it in the calendar! God is faithful - He will provide what you need. I am praying for you all!

  4. Makes me smile. Love you! : ) ~Laina

  5. Praying for you and trusting God's faithfulness to provide for what He has called you to do! Hugs!

  6. We are partial to September transfers, and have two spring babies to prove it! God bless you guys as you prepare for this next leg of the journey. I'm excited to see how He provides.

  7. I echo Krisa! Ha ha. Praying for you guys.

  8. So exciting! We don't have our September date yet. Hope to catch up with you THIS time =)

  9. So excited for you! Praying that all of the money is there in time and that you get a BFP!!


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