June 16, 2013

A New Week

Our miscarriage started late Tuesday night and continued for a few days. This was our 8th miscarriage and being that I was just into the 5th week of pregnancy, I didn't expect the miscarriage to be as serious in the pain and intensity category as it was. It was, but with some Floradix iron supplement, a bit of couch time, and some good strong coffee to help the two day migraine, I moved through the physical part of this okay. The mourning truly came the weekend before and by the time the miscarriage started, I was in a better place, though still grieving. We have had many friends send us cards, emails, and texts to help us through this time. We had a friend bring dinner on just the "perfect" day. We had an invite for dinner that I almost cancelled because I felt weak, but now I am so glad I went. I had a friend go with me to run some errands and it was good to get out of the house and focus on other things and spend time with her and her girls. The Lord used all of these people to help me/us heal. The Lord has been so very gracious to lead us through this time surrounding us with people to love on us and encourage us in the Word.

We will be going to Knoxville one last time in September. We are looking forward to our trip to the NEDC. Our children have all mourned their siblings leaving this earth each in their own way, but all of them are in agreement and are in full encouragement daily about us going back in September to adopt more babies.

We are healing and looking forward at the same time. It is a good place to be. Our Lord has been so faithful to us. We are surrounded with blessings!


  1. Again, I am so sorry that you lost your babies but am rejoicing with you for God's grace working in your lives. Praying and am so excited about your upcoming transfer in September!

  2. Ditto everything Jennifer just wrote! Will be praying again for the September transfer!

  3. Thinking of you guys and praying for your Sept transfer. Excited to see what your dates will be.

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling better! Excited to see what God is doing in the life of your family.

  5. Shannon, we are so sad to know your family is grieving and that you have had to go through your 8th miscarriage.  Glad to know the Lord is taking care of you and that you are surrounded by so much love over there.  We are also excited that you are willing to try again one last time in September!  Continuing to pray for you, The Tossells

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. It's good to mourn, but also good that you're looking forward. Godspeed!

  7. Praying for your continued healing of your body and your heart. And praying that you raise your money quickly as well.


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