May 21, 2013

Transfer Is Complete!

Everything went beautifully. As we mourn the loss of one of our little ones, we rejoice in the survival of our other 3. They were transferred today at 11:30 and Dr. K said all couldn't have gone more beautifully!
We had lunch and then back to the hotel to sleep off the rest of the Valium. Feeling a lot better after a nap. Here is a pic of of our little ones that are with us now:

We all know grading doesn't matter, but for those who like to just see. They were 4AB, 3AB+, 3BB
Our Beta is 5/30.


  1. Godspeed and continued prayers! Great looking little ones :)

  2. Yay!!!!! Glad everything went well. We will keep praying. They are beautiful:)

  3. I love that you have photos! I look at Maddie's sometimes and it still gives me goosebumps. Praying that this is "it"!

  4. Praising God everything went well and that you were able to transfer 3 little ones. So sorry about your loss of one of them! Praying they nuzzle in and start drawing nourishment from your uterus and grow, grow, grow! Praying for a high beta on 5/30!

  5. Beautiful embies! Hope you got lots of rest today! Praying for your beta day!

  6. So glad to hear the day/transfer went smoothly! Praying that they get good and comfortable!

  7. I've been reading your blog and pray for a positive result! We too have room for more and am inspired by your story.

  8. Wow, 3! Brave woman :) Praying all goes well!

  9. STICK, babies..STICK! Praying all continues to go well, Shannon! I'm so happy for these babies...they're so fortunate to be with a mommy/daddy who already loves them so much! :)

  10. This is so, so exciting! Triplets!!!! Can I say that? Praying for you.

  11. So happy for you!! Congrats!! So sorry about the one that didn't survive. :( That's always hard. The wonderful news is you will reunite one day :)

  12. congrats! holding breath and praying!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Congrats praying this time is the lucky one. 7 dp5dt for you :)

  15. Thinking of you this week! Praying!


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