May 29, 2013

8dp 5dt

I have stuck to the plan! I have not tested at home! Well, I guess technically I did test, but it was an internet cheapie and I did it on 3dpo just to get testing out of system ; )
For those who know me well, they know that I test a lot, so waiting this time I thought would be difficult to do, but I really am resting in the Lord's Sovereign Will for these little ones. We still have great hope that they are all loving and growing still.

People have asked what symptoms did I have post transfer up until now. These hormones and medications can cause such confusion that one must be careful not to analyze symptoms too much after an FET. So here we go...

Tuesday 0dp 5dt -- Transfer day (5/21). Was famished after FET (thanks to steroid), slept most of the day (thanks to valium). No spotting, cramping, or pain.
Wednesday 1dp 5dt -- had cramps but nothing too bad, took it easy. Still pretty groggy (thank to progesterone at this point)
Thursday 2dp 5dt -- same as above
Friday 3dp 5dt -- same as above, but HAD to take a nap. Really wiped out. First full day back to regular schedule.
Saturday 4dp 5dt  Cramping stopped. No symptoms
Sunday 5dp 5dt  No symptoms
Monday 6dp 5dt  No symptoms
Tuesday 7dp 5dt  no cramps, but flutter/butterfly & tightening feeling
Wednesday 8dp 5dt  no cramps, but flutter/butterfly & tightening feeling continues
Thursday 9dp 5dt -- Blood Test Day!!

With my last transfer, everything is about the same. The only differences were:

0dp 5dt -- slight spotting, heavy cramping, low grade fever.
1dp 5dt -- heavy cramping, low grade fever
7dp 5dt -- no symptoms
8dp 5dt -- no symptoms
9dp 5dt -- no symptoms Beta: 5

So, I am hopeful that the "butterfly" feeling is a positive symptom! Our blood test is tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. We were going to take a HPT tonight, but Rhea will be here all day tomorrow. So, we decided since we will be together when Nurse Katie calls with the results, we will wait for her call tomorrow afternoon!


  1. Hoping and Praying for good news tomorrow!

  2. eeeep! i'm so excited for you! can't wait to read the results! i said a prayer for you and yours this morning. <3

  3. Oh, how I pray for a great beta today!

  4. Hi I just wanted to say congradulations on the transfer and that we are praying for you. We too adopted 5 embies a year and a half ago and are now blessed with triplet boys! Embryo adoption is a great thing. I am so happy to see other families embracing these tiny babies that need loving homes. I can't wait to hear your results tomorrow. Grow babies grow :)



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