September 24, 2008

Did I really say we were going to CO on Saturday?

PookieBear feels my struggle, ha! (really she was just very tired) I really am trying to prioritize for this trip. I have my list and am asking the Lord continuously, what He wants me to do on the list. Most of the time, I spend in BooBear's room playing board games or sitting with her. She has 103 degree fever and a bad sore and swollen throat. No, it is not strep thank goodness. BooBear's sweet little playmate and her sister have it, too and their mother already went to the pediatrician for a strep test.

I have not packed one little thing for this trip! I have not even pulled out a suitcase. Hmm, let's see 6 people in Colorado for 3 weeks. I need to pack clothes, schoolwork, bookkeeping files, make a list for the family who is house sitting, clean out the fridge--well, you get the picture.

So, why am I typing a post to my blog instead of packing, you might ask? Well, I guess I am asking if you would pray for me. I was kinda of bummed, I didn't have a longer Bible time this morning, but I will work some more in today. Get this though, I started Jeremiah this morning and I read where Jeremiah tells God,

(Jer 1:6,7) "Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth."

But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a youth'; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak.

I do not see how I can possibly get ready for this trip. God knows I will and if I stick close to His counsel, I can get it done. But couldja pray anyway?? : )

Thanks! Well, on a quick note. We WILL be installing baby latches to the kitchen cabinet drawers and cabinets when we return from this trip. PookieBear has found out how to open and close everything now. I put rubber bands on the cabinets for now. She thinks this is grand as now she 'plays' the rubber bands as if they were a guitar! When she gets laughing again over this I will try to capture it on film.

Well, BooBear's bell (we give the kids a bell to ring when they are sick in bed) is ringing again and I hear the baby.

Oh, and adoption updates? We are about 1/2 way through the paper chase (unless there are surprises, I don't know about?) We have a lot to mail, but we are getting there. Also, pray that Rhea finishes his job in CO before the 16th. Our HS is on the 18th and we will be cutting it close to get home in time. I don't want to reschedule our HS, but God holds that in His hands as well, doesn't He? : )

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